Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 There was a subtle threat that someone I really care about is going to have to face the kind of pain I used to face just because I have put up these posts on my blog. When this person underwent an operation, someone we know asked the surgeons, "Has the foreign object been placed?"

Even now as I was typing this, I got a call from the person who underwent the operation - exactly after I had typed the past few posts, telling me that he wished to walk by himself without the company of others. This is very strange coming from the most confident and socially aware person I have ever known!

This time I am not backing down!

I know these posts will be quite unintelligible for most. But there are those who will understand what I mean!


 Appa once gave me the example of one of our domestic helps and said,"If you are submissive, you will have no problems in life." Like hell! There is no way I will be submissive unless the imperius is used!

You see, Appa also once told me, "We are not cowards!" I was sure that We are not cowards but I was not sure we could keep away the Imperius.

Britney Spears

 Britney Spears always did and continues to deserve to have the conservatorship stopped immediately and to have full control of herself and her possessions.

When Death Becomes a Luxury One Can't Afford

 The cruciatus is infinitely worse than avada kedavra! Imperius lies somewhere in between.

This is from numerous past experiences. The cruciatus presently is being wielded by sentients seemingly more benign. The key word in the previous sentence is 'seemingly'. I need to be sure! I expect to be sure!!!

I have been informed in the past that childbirth and expelling a kidney stone are the most painful experiences. Though I have experienced neither (I have tremendous respet for every woman who bravely faces the pain of childbirth), I can assure you that you would rather experience the pain of having all your bones broken to the pain of the cruciatus!